It has always been MAP's mission to ensure everyone has access to fresh and affordable fruits and veggies. Throughout COVID-19 our staff is continuing this mission by providing healthy food to pantries, growing seedlings for community members and continuing to work with youth, remotely. As our Mobile Market sites begin in a few weeks, the way we provide healthy, local food to the community may look a little different but we are still committed to getting good food to those most in need, while supporting local farmers.
Without the ability to host events, tours, or rent out our spaces, we have lost much needed revenue. You can help us close this funding gap. Every dollar will truly make a difference, whether you make a one-time donation or are able to stretch your donation dollars monthly!
You can be part of the effort to feed your neighbors, support local farms and provide jobs to youth by making a donation to MAP.
Thank you for this much needed support!
If you would like to speak with someone at MAP regarding legacy giving, please email MAP's Development Director: development@mass-ave.org
The Federal CARES Act includes recent tax changes to help individuals, companies, and non-profit organizations in 2020:
If you take the standard deduction, you can now deduct an additional $300 for direct charitable contributions per filing.
If you itemize deductions, you can now deduct cash donations to public charities up to 100% of your Adjusted Gross Income (an increase from 60%).
If your company makes charitable contributions, the corporate deduction increased from 10% to 25% of the company's taxable income.